Introduction Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a popular, widely-used polymer consisting of repeated ethylene glycol units (Wang et al., 2022). Due to its versatility, tunable properties and well-established safety profile, it plays an important role in various fields (Jafarpour, Fathi, & Soltanizadeh, 2023) as...
Introduction We start with an introduction to the Reflux Condensers 15mm : commonly used in chemistry for reflux applications, such as Sechelt extraction; provides efficient cooling and condensation; ideal for food, pharmaceutical, and environmental industries; can be used to extract essential oils from plants,...
Introduction In the present era, the shortage of energy and pollution of the environment become more and more serious with the development of society. Confronting the urgent problems of environmental pollution and resource exhaustion, the development of an alternate, sustainable ,and clean energy technology...
Introduction 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 5 (ACC) is a disubstituted cyclic α-amino acidin which acyclopropanering is fused to the Cαatom of the amino acid. It is a white solid. Many cyclopropane-substituted amino acids are known, but this one occurs naturally.Like glycine, but unlike most α-amino...
Introduction Round Bottom Flasks 2000ml are spherical flasks, made of borosilicate glass (or rarer PTFE), with one or more ground glass joint necks. Usually, the main neck has a larger diameter than the other necks, though flasks with equal-diameter necks exist. The size of...
Introduction Bromocresol green(BCG) is a dye of thetriphenylmethanefamily (triarylmethane dyes). It belongs to a class of dyes called sulfonephthaleins. It is used as a pH indicator in applications such as growth mediums for microorganisms and titrations. In clinical practice, it is commonly used as...