Introduction Formamidine acetate isan anti-tuberculosis drug that belongs to the class of aminoglycosides. It has been shown to have a potent cytotoxic effect on malignant brain cells in vitro. It inhibits bacterial growth by binding to DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,...
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Introduction Silicon dioxide, also known assilica, is anoxideofsiliconwith thechemical formulaSiO2, commonly found in nature asquartz.In many parts of the world, silica is the major constituent ofsand. Silica is one of the most complex and abundant families ofmaterials, existing as...
Introduction Cleaning agent, lubricant and chlorinated paraffin-containing lubricants for degreasing and cleaning; especially effective for difficult-to-clean high-viscosity metal processing oils. Chlorinated paraffin, colorless and transparent (first grade), has low concentration, comprehensive use, fast oiling speed and good oil removal...