Introduction Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 is an inorganic chemical compound. It is also known as Condy’s crystals or permanganate of potash. A German-Dutch chemistJohann Rudolf Glauberwas the first to discover the production of KMnO4in the year 1659. This compound is water-soluble and consists of two...
Introduction PH Strip Merck, also known as a litmus test, are used to determine the pH value of a liquid, e.g. pH strips for water to spray the crop with. The pH of a liquid indicates whether a liquid is acidic, neutral or alkaline....
Introduction Zinc Foil Sheet and Plate have been widely used for corrosion resistance, especially in offshore platforms, shipping, and submarines. MetalsTek offers Zinc Sheet Foil Ribbon and Plate in various sizes and purities (up to 99.9999%). Zinc Foil Sheets and Plates are versatile materials...
Introduction Adropping funneloraddition funnelis a type oflaboratory glasswareused to transferliquids. They are fitted with astopcockwhich allows the flow to be controlled. Dropping funnels are useful for addingreagentsslowly, i.e. drop-wise. This is desirable when the quick addition of the reagent results in side reactions, or...
Introduction Commonly used in chemistry for reflux applications, such as Sechelt extraction; provides efficient cooling and condensation; ideal for food, pharmaceutical, and environmental industries; can be used to extract essential oils from plants, determine crude fat content, conduct laboratory-scale refluxing, perform continuous solid extraction...